Prof. Dr. Sonja Wüstemann

Heide Fest
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Wiwi)
Professor of Business Administration, in particular Accounting and ControllingSince 2012
Holder of the Professor of Business Administration, in particular Accounting and Controlling at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Habilitation at the Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
2008 – 2012
Wiss. assistant at the Department of Economics at Goethe University
Frankfurt a.M.
PhD at the Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
2007 – 2008
Research assistant in the Department of Accounting
at Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
Research stay at the ESSEC in Paris
2004 – 2007
Research assistant in the Accounting & Taxation
area at the University of Mannheim
M.B.A. (ESSEC) in Paris
Diploma in Business Administration in Mannheim
- Since 2010
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal „Accounting in Europe“ - 2004 – 2008
Member of the working groups „Revenue Recognition“ of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) and the German Accounting Standards Committee (DRSC)
Main Building (HG)Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- HG 210