Prof. Dr. Katja H. Brunk

Urte Heinze
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Wiwi)
Professorship Holder of Marketing (II)by appointment (via e-mail)
Popular media, academic and corporate blogs
Så kan marknadsförare använda nostalgi för att förtrolla. Resumé (Swedish news outlet), published 14th September 2022.
Academics: The Epidemic of Loneliness, Video featuring the work with co-author Olivier Sibai for Birkbeck University’s 5 min Series 2, Episode 6, published 28th of April 2021.
Corona. Tilbage til fortidens fremtid. Erhverv Fyn (Danish newspaper), p.22., published 1st of October 2020.
How coronavirus made us nostalgic for a past that held the promise of a future. The Conversation, 14th of July 2020.
Scent-sational Otherland Candles Are our Latest Obsession. Eonline, published 30th of January 2020.
Eine Frage des bleibenden Eindrucks – Wie semantische und episodische Markenerinnerungen das Konsumentenverhalten beeinflussen. KleinundPläcking, published as White Paper July 2019.
Memory Making and the Marketization of Socialism in East Germany. Third Generation Ost, published 11th of July 2019.
Isolation of early career researchers. Video with co-author Olivier Sibai for the Academy of Management Learning and Education, published 17th of April 2019.
There is a hidden epidemic in academia, World Economic Forum, Feb 2019.
Academics affected by loneliness epidemic, radio interview with co-author Bernardo Figueiredo, 2ser Radio Station (Australia), 4th of February 2019.
Overworked and isolated: the rising epidemic of loneliness in academia, The Conversation, 29th of January 2019.
Ostalgie als konsumierbare Vergangenheit (Ostalgie as consumable past), radio interview, Kulturradio (RBB) am Vormittag, 30th of January 2018, Berlin, Germany.
The nostalgia for Socialism in the Age of Consumerism, The Conversation, 24th of May 2018.
Beyond nostalgia: understanding socialism markets, Oxford University Press Feature Blog, 3rd of July 2018.
Peer-reviewed international journal publications
Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., Smith, A.N., and Belkhir, M. (forthcoming). ‘Upload Your Impact’: Can Digital Enclaves Enable Participation in Racialized Markets?. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, forthcoming Jan 2023.
Sibai, O., Brunk, K.H., Ferreira, M.C., Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., and Smith, A.N. (2022), Market-centric pathways for racial inclusion: the case of #MyBlackReceipt, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 50, forthcoming.
Dalgap, I., Brunk, K.H. and Hartmann, B.J. (2020). The Aestheticization of Past-Themed Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 48: 509-511, eds. J. Argo, T.M. Lowrey, and H.J. Schau, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Brunk, K.H. and DeBoer, C. (2020). How do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(2), 443-458.
Hartmann, B.J. and Brunk, K.H. (2019). Nostalgia Marketing and (Re)enchantment. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(4), 669-686.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Dalmoro, M., Dinnin Huff, A., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2019). Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2), 261-285.
Hartmann, B.J., Brunk, K.H. and Giesler, M. (2018). The Production and Consumption of Retro Brands Beyond Meaning Revival. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 46: 402-405, eds A. Gershoff, R. Kozinets and T. White, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Brunk, K.H., Giesler, M., and Hartmann, B.J. (2018). Creating a Consumable Past: How Memory Making Shapes Marketization. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(6), 1325-1342.
Herz, M.F. and Brunk, K.H. (2017). Conceptual Advances in Consumers’ Semantic and Episodic Brand Memories: A mixed methods exploration. Psychology & Marketing 34(1): 70-91.
Brunk, K.H., Hartmann, B.J., and Veresiu, E. (2016). The Politicization of Markets: Exploring the Interplay Between Politics and Markets. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 44, eds P. Moreau and S. Puntoni, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN (257-263).
Brunk, K.H. and De Boer, C. (2015). Ethical brand perception formation when information is inconsistent – An impression formation perspective. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 43: 319-323, eds K. Diehl and C. Yoon, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Hartmann, B.J. and Brunk, K.H. (2015). Negotiating the Merger of Contrasting Consumer Cultures: Ideological Myth and Identity. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 43: 358-363, eds K. Diehl and C. Yoon, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Brunk, K.H. and Hartmann B.J. (2014). Zooming In While Zooming Out: How a consumption context animates a macrofocus investigation and stimulates new opportunities for theoretical insights. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 42: 255-259, eds J. Cotte and S. Wood, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Brunk, K.H., Veresiu, E. and Visconti, L. (2013). Expanding the Theoretical Boundaries of Consumer Acculturation: Investigating the Role of Institutional Forces and Nostalgic Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 41: 94-99, eds S. Botti and A. Labroo, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
Brunk, K.H. (2012). Un/ethical company and brands perceptions: Conceptualising and operationalising consumer meanings. Journal of Business Ethics 111(4): 551–565.
Brunk, K.H., and Bluemelhuber C. (2011). One strike and you’re out: Qualitative insights into the formation of consumers’ ethical company or brand perceptions. Journal of Business Research 64(2): 134–141.
Brunk, K.H. (2010). Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions: Reply to Shea and Cohn’s commentaries. Journal of Business Research 63(12): 1364–1367.
Brunk, K.H. (2010) *. Exploring origins of ethical company/brand perceptions - A consumer perspective of corporate ethics. Journal of Business Research 63(3): 255–262.
Brunk, K.H. (2010). Reputation building: Beyond our control? Inferences in consumers’ ethical perception formation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 9(4): 275–292.
Brunk, K.H. (2010). Ethical reputation: Fact or Fiction? Marketing Theory and Applications, Vol. 21, eds M.K. Brady and M.D. Hartline, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL.
Brunk, K.H., and Bluemelhuber C. (2009). The impact of un/ethical corporate conduct on consumers’ ethical perceptions: A multidimensional framework. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 37: 368–373, eds M.C. Campbell, J. Inman and R. Pieters, Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN.
* Article ranked among the top 40 most cited articles of the Journal of Business Research published during the past 5 years (google scholar rankings – h5 index)
Other international publications
Brunk, K.H. and Öberseder, M. (2017). Shedding Light on the Ethical Consumer Debate: Evidence from a Qualitative Investigation of Body Shop Consumers. In: Colin L. Campbell (ed.) The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientations in a Dynamic Business World, Springer: 292-300.
Brunk, K.H. (2016). Towards a Better Understanding of the Ethical Brand and its Management. In: Dall'Olmo Riley, F., Singh, J., and Blankson, C. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Brand Management. Routledge, London: 280-293.
Brunk, K.H. (2013), Consumer Perceived Ethicality of a Brand/Company (CPE), PsychTESTS (repository for psychological measurement scales), American Psychological Association (APA), DOI 10.1037/t15261-000.
Brunk, K.H. (2009). De ce avem o imagine proastă? O perspectivă a consumatorului asupra comportamentului lipsit de etică al corporaţiilor. Revista Romana de Marketing, anul IV, 3: 73-93. Number one marketing journal in Romania. Invited publication.
International peer-reviewed academic conference presentations
Sibai, O., Brunk, K.H., Ferreira, M.C., Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., and Smith, A.N. (2022), Market-centric pathways for racial inclusion: the case of #MyBlackReceipt. In Proceedings of the 2022 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Denver, Colorado, October 2022.
Dam, C., Brunk, K.H., Hartmann, B.J. (2022). The (Authentic?) Past in Marketing: A Conceptual Review and Future Research Agenda. In Proceedings of the 51st EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 2022.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (forthcoming). Three Frameworks to Combat Racial Exclusion in the Marketplace. To be presented at the 2021 Annual ANZMAC Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 2021.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2021). Frameworks for understanding strategies to combat racial exclusion in the marketplace. Presented at the JACR Boutique Conference on Racism and Discrimination in the Marketplace, online, June 2021.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2021). From survival to upheaval: Market-centric pathways to fight racial exclusion. Presented at the AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference (MPPC), online, June, 2021.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2021). #Myblackreceipt: Marketplace exclusion and orders of worth. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference. Vol. 32, online, February 2021
Dalgap, I., Brunk, K.H. and Hartmann, B.J. (2020). The Aestheticization of Past-Themed Consumption. 2020 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). Forthcoming online, October 2020.
Köhler, T., Billsberry, J., Brunk, K.H. et al. (2019). Academic Careers in Management: How do We Get to Where the Grass Is Greener? (Symposium). In Proceedings of the Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting. Boston, USA, August 2019.
Giesler, M., Brunk K.H., Hartmann, B. (2019). Cultural Retro Branding Strategies in the German Ostalgie Market. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference. Austin, USA, February 2019.
Hartmann, B.J., Brunk, K.H. and Giesler, M. (2018). The Production and Consumption of Retro Brands Beyond Meaning Revival. In Proceedings of the 2018 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). Dallas, USA, October 2018.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Dinnin Huff, A., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2017). Isolation in Emerging Fields: The Case of Entrant Actors in an Emerging Academic Field. Presented at the 12th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, July 2017.
Brunk K.H., Hartmann, B., and Giesler, M. (2017). Brand retrofication: How old brands disrupt new markets. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference. Orlando, USA, February 2017.
Hartmann, B.J., Brunk, K.H., and Giesler, M. (2016). Brand Retrofication: How East German Consumers Animate a Retro Brand Market to Create a Revisionist Eastern Consumption Culture. In Proceedings of the 2016 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). Berlin, Germany, October 2016.
Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, K.H., Campano, M., Dalmoro, M., Dinnin Huff, A., Ferreira, M.C., Figueiredo, B., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A. (2016). From the Fish Tank to the Open Ocean: Navigating the Institutional Field of CCT. Roundtable presented at the 11th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, France, July 2016.
Giesler, M., Brunk K.H., and Hartmann, B. (2016). Nostalgic Consumption as Ideological Translation. Presented at the Brands and Brand Relationship Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2016.
Brunk, K.H. and De Boer, C. (2015). Ethical brand perception formation when information is inconsistent – An impression formation perspective. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), New Orleans, USA, October 2015.
Hartmann, B.J. and Brunk, K.H. (2015). Negotiating the Merger of Contrasting Consumer Cultures: Ideological Myth and Identity. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), New Orleans, USA, October 2015.
Brunk, K.H. and Hartmann B.J. (2014). Zooming In While Zooming Out: How a consumption context animates a macrofocus investigation and stimulates new opportunities for theoretical insights. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Baltimore, USA, October 2014.
Hartmann B.J. and Brunk K.H. (2014). Reconstructing the 'East' in the 'West': Exploring Nostalgic Re-enchantment Tactics following Germany's Re-unification as a Case of Institutional Rationalisation. Presented at the 9th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2014.
Brunk K.H. and de Boer C. (2014). Is Good + Bad = Neutral? How consumers integrate information to form ethical brand perceptions. In Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Annual Conference. Valencia, Spain, June 2014.
Brunk K.H. and Hartmann, B. (2013). Locals as Migrants in German Unification and Acculturation: How Nostalgia Enchants the Former East. In Proceedings of the 2013 Annual North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). Chicago, OH, USA, October 2013.
Brunk K.H. (2013). A second look at the ethical product – A conceptual extension of the ethical product matrix. In Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Annual Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
Brunk K.H. (2012). What is ‘ethical’? Conceptualizing consumer meanings. In Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Annual Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, May 2012.
Brunk K.H. and Oeberseder, M. (2011). Shedding Light on the Ethical Consumer Debate: Evidence from a Qualitative Investigation of Body Shop Consumers. In Proceedings of the 2011 AMS World Marketing Conference (Academy of Marketing Science). Reims, France, July 2011.
Brunk K.H. (2010)*. Consumer Perceived Ethicality: An Impression Formation Perspective. In Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Annual Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2010.
Brunk K.H. (2010). Ethical reputation: Fact or Fiction? A qualitative consumer exploration. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference. New Orleans, USA, February 2010.
Brunk K.H. and Bluemelhuber, C. (2009). The impact of un/ethical corporate conduct on consumers’ ethical perceptions – A multidimensional framework. In Proceedings of the 2009 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR). Pittsburgh, USA, October 2009.
Brunk K.H. (2009). Why do we look bad? – A Consumer Perspective of un/ethical Corporate Behaviour. In Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference. Nantes, France, May 2009.
Brunk K.H. (2008). Inferences in Consumers’ Ethical Perception Formation. In Proceedings of the 37th EMAC (European Marketing Academy) Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, May 2008.
* Awarded top 20 of papers based on doctoral research by the European Marketing Academy.
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
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