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100th Anniversary of Louis O. Kelso

Kelso anniv web pic ©Gyula Kocsis

December 4th, 2013 was the 100th    anniversary of Louis O. Kelso's birth. The Kelso-Professorship and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies celebrated this occasion.  Among the guests were Patricia Kelso, widow of Louis O. Kelso and president of the Kelso Institute, Dr. iur. Gunter Pleuger, President of the EUV, John D. Menke, CEO of the Menke Group, Paul Mailard, Honorary President of FONDACT and Davis Morris, CEO of the Global Wealth Allocation.

Together, we  commemorated the pioneering work of Louis Kelso in law, economic theory and finance and discussed the relevance of his concepts to the European Union today.



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