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Labour Economics: A European Perspective

Methods and duration of examination:

There are six small home assignments. Students are expected to be able to present and comment on their home assignment solutions in class. The average points across all assignments constitute bonus points to students’ exams. The final written exam lasts 120 minutes yielding a maximum of 120 points.

Emphasis of the grade for the final grade: Please check regulations of the study programme

Aim of the module (expected learning outcomes and competencies to be acquired):

Knowledge of basic theories explaining the functioning of labour markets and labour market outcomes
Development of skills for reading and interpreting empirical studies
Development of statistical skills for basic data analysis

Contents of the module:

The course covers basic theories of labour economics and related empirical research. Topics include labour supply and demand, human capital, wage regressions, labour market discrimination, labour mobility, unemployment and unions. Weekly home assignments are an essential component of the course as are hands-on empirical exercises.

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