FAQ for First-timers!

These points will help you get started with your studies

You can find the most important contact persons for your studies here.

Contacts & Addresses

On a large campus, you can quickly lose your bearings at the beginning. Therefore, take advantage of guided tours or team up with fellow students to explore the campus and get an overview. This is fun and you can then move around the campus more quickly.


Your lecturers will get to know you little by little. However, it does not hurt if you actively find out about your lecturers and find out where their offices are and when they have office hours.

During the introductory week, you will receive all the important information about the start of your studies, such as contact persons, timetable structure, etc. specifically for your field of study. This usually takes place on our premises.

Dates & Deadlines

Frankfurt (Oder) has a lot of that to offer. From art, culture and theater to wild nature. Boredom does not arise here.


In vielen Studiengängen gibt es im Bachelor-System schon im ersten Semester Pflicht- und Wahlvorlesungen. Informiere Dich über die verschiedenen Seminare und stell sicher, dass Du alle Pflichtvorlesungen abdeckst. Bei den Wahlvorlesungen kannst Du Dich zu Beginn noch zurückhalten. Anfangs stehen andere Prioritäten an.

Working in the lecture hall is often unfamiliar to first-year students, especially in larger degree programs. Therefore, attend all lectures at the beginning to quickly get used to this way of learning. Don't be discouraged by initial distractions, it may take a while until you get used to it.

All important details about the IT services of our IKMZ (Information, Communication and Multimedia Center) can be found here.


Even if you don't necessarily need a student job, you should look for jobs during your first semester. First, you may need to earn some extra money; second, the work can be a welcome compensation and important practical experience. Often you can find jobs on the bulletin board - at the Viadrina in the main building and Auditorium Maximum.

Get to know your fellow students. This starts with the semester opening parties ;)
Take part in the freshman weekends. Here you can meet many people who can help and support you during your studies. Enjoy university life!

Studying consists of learning. For some it is easier and for others it is a bit more difficult to really absorb the material. Perhaps in this case a study group would be an excellent option for you. This way you can learn together with other students and reach your goal faster and more effectively. If you have any questions, there is always someone who can help you. Viadrina students like to use our coworking space in the Auditorium Maximum. Just try it out with your fellow students!

Listen to yourself and your body!

Since June 2019, the European University offers its students and employees an open meditation once a week. The specially equipped meditation room is located in the main building. You can find more about this topic here.


"You are what you eat!"
Take advantage of the extensive offer of food in the canteen and the cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder). The Mensa is not only a place to eat, it is also often a meeting point in university life. So explore the Mensa early! Here you can also find some restaurants and cafés near the university.


Of course, studying is exhausting and will demand a lot from you. For this reason, it is important that you switch off and give your psyche some time off. Perhaps you can find a hobby that you can do alongside your studies. It doesn't have to be every day, but several times a week would be good. Our psychological counseling center at the Viadrina is also there for your psyche. They are happy to help and support you with all the challenges around your studies.


The source references play an important role in your scientific work. Of course, you cannot have written all the information yourself. But you have to name the author and the corresponding source. Otherwise you can be accused of plagiarism. Maybe you have not really had to create a source list and bibliography, but as a new student this will now be part of your work. Accordingly, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for creating them.

Google is usually not sufficient for scientific research in studies. Therefore, also use offers such as library and literature databases and train how to use them. You will need them at the latest for your first term papers.

The most annoying, but also one of the most important points on your checklist is to check your current study and examination regulations. Check right at the start of the semester whether there have been any changes to your examination regulations or whether a new version has been published.
Your study and examination regulations are the most important document in your entire study program. They define the framework conditions according to which you study; they determine the rules of the game, so to speak. And you have to know these rules if you want to play successfully.

Transfer semester contribution
Obtain certificate from health insurance
Check the course offerings

You can also interrupt your studies. The reasons for this can be different. Perhaps due to a personal change or an illness. Family circumstances may also play a role in your studies no longer being able to continue. In these cases you can apply for a semester of leave.


Network yourself with your fellow students and with the departments of the university. Facebook and Instagram are very popular.
An absolute must: our Viadrina Facebook page. Many university departments now have Instagram. You will find the corresponding icon on the respective university websites.

to Facebook page

The academic staff members continue to pursue an academic career after graduation and support the chairs by giving their own lectures, seminars or exercises, among other things. The good thing about them is that they have not been away from student life for long and therefore usually have an open ear for your concerns and also know some good insider tips. So get in good with them and use this source of information. Often you will reap the benefits of their knowledge.

All-nighters, long parties and other typical student activities are just part of student life. A little fun is a must. Just don't overdo it: Make sure that your studies are not neglected or unnecessarily prolonged. At the latest at the job interview you will regret that you do not have a good reason for the many semesters.

As a youngster, you often feel a bit strange at the beginning of your studies - most of the others are much older and have known the ropes for a long time. Nevertheless, please don't be shy - especially when you are confronted with terms that you don't (yet) know and understand. It will be alright ;)

Familiarize yourself with the basics of time management right from the start and develop your own personal learning system. If you start early, you'll save yourself a lot of hassle and chaos later.

Here are a few links:
Center for Key Competencies and Research Learning
Key qualifications and application skills - The Career Center's training program
Workshops and events of the Central Student Advisory Service

Central Student Advisory Service

Office hours

Telephone office hours:
Tuesday 2 - 4 p.m., Tel +49 (0) 335 5534 44 66

Open office hours:
Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Room AM 113