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International Business Administration (Master)

This consecutive master’s program rather focuses on research. It teaches theoretical knowledge but especially conveys methodical competences, which enable the student to expand their scientific skills independently. Research methods and strategies play a central role in this program’s curriculum. Thus the master study prepares the student for hands-on as well as academic careers.

The regular period of study is four semesters. The scope of study is 120 ECTS credits (hereinafter: credits). The study consists of modules and may be executed in five different study options. The different study options allow the students to specialize according to their functional preferences. The faculty has introduced four different tracks.

The nonbinding sample schedule gives an idea of a sensible draft of the studies. (see appendix of study-specific regulations)

In accordance with the international focus of the course of study, the student has to complete a semester abroad lasting at least three months at a foreign university during the second of third semester of their studies (study abroad).

The module catalog (see viaCampus) depicts each module with description and its accreditation. Multiple accreditation of the same module is not possible. Other accreditations not depicted in the module catalog are also not possible! In principle, only one successfully completed course with six ECTS credits can be brought into each module. (Module handbook as of 07.04.2022)

The offered courses will be published every semester in the course schedule in viaCampus.


The study consists of modules. It can either be completed function oriented or inter-functional. The offered study options allow the students to specialize according to their functional preferences. There are four alternative tracks for the function oriented study options with the following titles:

  • Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation (FACT),
  • Finance & International Economics (FINE),
  • Data Science & Decision Support (DSDS) and
  • Management & Marketing (M & M).

A function oriented subject specific education has its study emphasis in one of the four tracks. Alternatively, students may choose a broader inter-functional study program. This allows the students to reasonably select courses from the entire module catalog for all tracks. This universal education program may be completed in German and/or English in terms of general business administration.

Within their studies, the students attend track specific modules as well as modules from other tracks and non-business/economics modules.

For function oriented study options the students have to take the following modules:

  • Track specific modules with a minimum of 60 credits (in the track DSDS with a minimum of 72 credits) and a maximum of 96 credits,
  • Modules from other tracks and non-business/economics modules worth up to 36 credits (at the track DSDS up to 18 credits), of which no more than 18 credits must be from non-business/economics modules,
  • Master thesis (21 credits) with concluding colloquium (3 credits).

The module catalog specifies whether the modules of the track must be chosen (compulsory modules) or can be chosen (elective modules).

For a inter-functional study option the students have to take the following modules:

  • Modules from at least two of the four tracks offered for a minimum of 78 credits and a maximum of 96 credits.,
  • Non-business/economics modules worth up to 18 credits,
  • Master thesis (21 credits) with concluding colloquium (3 credits),

The module catalog specifies whether the modules of the track must be chosen (compulsory modules) or can be chosen (elective modules).

The target group of the FACT track are students who want to work in leading positions in consulting companies (tax consulting, auditing and management consulting), financial and capital market-oriented companies (investment banks, research departments, risk management departments of banks and stock exchanges) or in corporate controlling. In particular, internationally oriented companies with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe [CEE] are the focus of the training.

In the context of European integration and in the process of globalization, interdependencies between national economies, especially between EU member states, have increased. These interdependencies and the related coordination problems are the focus of the FINE track. Overcoming them is a success factor for national economies as well as for multinational companies and organizations. In the FINE track, the aim is to generate a holistic understanding of the common market and international trade, international financial markets, and European and international economic policy, especially monetary policy. Special attention is given to issues of European integration, European and international environmental and energy policy, international tax competition, and competition between social systems and their coordination in the EU. The goal of the FINE track is to provide students with state-of-the-art training in the management of multinational companies and organizations in order to recognize, utilize and control both current and future opportunities and risks of globalization. Graduates of the FINE track are qualified to assume positions in multinational corporations, international institutions and organizations, and internationally active consulting firms. Furthermore, a degree in the FINE track may be followed by employment in research institutions or an academic career.

If you answer yes to the following questions, the DSDS program is probably the right choice for you:

  • Do you believe that informed business decisions can only be made by understanding the underlying data?
  • Would you like to learn how to analyze decision processes properly and how to apply appropriate decision models?
  • Do you want to be the person who accurately understands and masters artificial intelligence algorithms, rather than just relying on decisions suggested by experts?
  • Are you a numbers person interested in developing your own programming codes? Or do you want to become one?
  • Did you enjoy applied mathematics and statistics in your previous education?

Our Vision: Learning from data and drawing the right conclusions

We live in a highly connected world, and data has become a key success factor in many businesses over the past decade. In addition, there are a growing number of companies pursuing a data-driven business model. Even the traditional manufacturing industry relies heavily on internal and external data to organize smooth processes and develop smart services and products. Data is important for managing businesses at all levels and creating value for customers. However, humans are unable to oversee the vast amounts of data available, and it is becoming increasingly impossible to draw conclusions without the help of powerful tools. "Learning from data" means applying or even developing methods of statistics, artificial intelligence and optimization. "Drawing the right conclusions" means finding the best decision model and eventually an optimal solution.

Your perspectives: Data Analyst, CIO, COO, or even CEO

Since data is used extensively in almost every industry these days, there are no limits to your career options. As a DSDS graduate, you can begin your career as a data analyst in fields such as consulting, retail, finance, pharmaceuticals, and automotive, or in public administrations and non-governmental organizations. You can start in a blue chip company just as well as in a start-up, maybe even your own, why not? After a few years of work experience, you may be qualified enough to become a CIO (Chief Information Officer) or COO (Chief Operations Officer) - and who knows, why not a CEO? Regardless of which career path you choose, your skills in data analytics and supporting data-driven decisions can help lead businesses and other institutions to succeed, both in terms of commercial and non-commercial goals.

The social conditions to which companies and their internal and external cooperation partners are subject are changing rapidly and fundamentally in the process of globalization. Management in an international context requires knowledge that transcends current structures and processes in the long term. It must provide orientation for those involved and create competence for action. The M & M track conveys the current state of the theoretical discussion in the fields of management and marketing and provides the participants of the program with the necessary orientation to actively shape the changes that accompany the globalization of markets. The target group of the track M & M are students who want to work in leading positions of international companies and organizations especially also in Central and Eastern European markets.

Non-business/economics modules can be included in the degree programme to the extent of a maximum of 18 credits.

In principle, all courses of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Studies, the Faculty of Law, the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) and courses of non-business/economics faculties of other universities are recognised as non-business/economics modules that are successfully completed with a graded and credited certificate of achievement, provided that they are not creditable in the Bachelor's degree programs of the aforementioned faculties or are introductory courses within the framework of the study of German law. Certificates of achievement, language courses or soft skills such as internships acquired in the module "Practice-relevant skills" of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Studies cannot be credited.

The master thesis is worth 21 credits. The associated concluding colloquium is worth 3 credits.

In the master's thesis, students demonstrate that they are capable of independently applying scientific methods and writing texts that meet scientific requirements in their field of study. Once the thesis has been passed, students must present the results of their work in a concluding colloquium, place them in a larger context, and defend them against critical objections.

A prerequisite for admission to the master thesis is that students have successfully completed creditable study and examination achievements in the amount of, as a rule, at least 75 percent of the credits required for the successful completion of the programme as a whole, less credit points for the master thesis and the associated concluding colloquium. This corresponds to 72 credits.

Please note that the individual chairs may also have additional requirements for a supervision agreement. Only if you meet these requirements can you be looked after at these chairs. Please check the website of the individual chairs in good time.

Students who wish to write a master thesis at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics must apply for supervision centrally and in due time!

Further notes:

Accommodating the international orientation, students are obliged to complete one term at a foreign university (study abroad), lasting at least three months, generally during the second or third semester of their studies.

The accreditation of the study abroad is only effected if the student obtains at least 12 credits and provides evidence thereof. Study abroad as defined by the subject-specific regulations (SSO) is the attendance of an accredited foreign university holding the right to award doctorates. As a matter of principle, all performances to be accredited must not be completed in the student’s mother tongue. 

The accreditation of study and examination performances, effected at the university abroad, comply with Art 12 general study and examination regulations (ASPO). The department of international affairs is the contact for the accreditation of foreign study and examination performances at the faculty of economic and business science. Accreditation of study and examination performances immediately with the respective professors is not possible without exceptions! Concerning this matter please pay attention to the entry requirements for applications for the thesis as defined by the chairs.

Upon request, for justified exceptions the responsible examination board is permitted to exempt students from studying abroad. Students who do not complete studies abroad, must successfully take generally at least 42 credits in the course of their studies, whose language of instruction must not be German. In addition to courses whose language of instruction is not German, credits for the Master's thesis with concluding colloquium, if it has been successfully completed and defended in an other language than German, will also be taken into account for the 42 credits required according to Art 6 of the subject-specific regulations (SSO).

European University Viadrina cooperates with numerous universities abroad. You may gladly apply for a university place within the framework of our exchange programs.

Further notes:
