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International Business Administration

Further Softskills

Exam number: see courses

Semester: from 4th semester

Duration of the module: one Semester to two Semester

Form of the module (i.e. obligatory, elective etc.): Elective duty

Courses of the module:
Note: A simultaneous recognition of the modules "Businessplan-Seminar Regional" and "Seminar: Einführung in die Unternehmensgründung / Businessplan" in the study programme is not allowed.
Trainingsangebote des Career Centers
Tutorentätigkeit in der Lehre an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Veranstaltungen zur Existenzgründung
Business and Economics in Fiction Podcasts
Businessplan-Seminar Regional
Developing Business Cases
Entrepreneurial Creativity
Entrepreneurship: Grundlagen und Perspektiven
Entrepreneurship und Effectuation
Lenguas Ocultas
Management des internationalen Technologietransfers
New Venture Creation: Unternehmensgründung und Unternehmensnachfolge
Occupy Frankfurt (Oder) – Raum für eigene Notizen
Quantitative Methoden in R
Ringvorlesung in Entrepreneurship
Seminar: Einführung in die Unternehmensgründung / Businessplan
Seminar: Entrepreneurship – Grundlagen und Geschäftsmodelle
Space in Motion – Arbeiten in der Gruppe
Wir ham ja nix gehabt und datt bisken hamma noch geteilt - Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Reflektieren der Managementforschung

Frequency of module offer: Each semester

Prerequisites: Module-dependent

Applicability of module for other study programmes:
Obligatory or elective in other study programmes. For further information check regulations of the study programme.

Person responsible for module: Dean of Studies in consultation with the lecturer

Name of the professor: Module-dependent

Language of teaching: Module-dependent

ECTS-Credits (based on the workload): bis zu 18

Workload and its composition (self-study, contact time):
Total workload: up to 540 hours The composition of the workload depends on the selected modules.

Contact hours (per week in semester): Modulabhängig

Methods and duration of examination:

Emphasis of the grade for the final grade: Please check regulations of the study programme; IBA, IBWL, WiR: zero

Aim of the module (expected learning outcomes and competencies to be acquired):
In particular, the students should be taught social skills such as communication skills, ability to cooperate, sense of responsibility and consciousness, reliability. In addition, however, personal skills such as concentration, the ability to learn, independent learning, endurance and accuracy are also to be trained here.

Contents of the module:
The Career Center offers numerous trainings, seminars and lectures for students of the European University Viadrina every semester. Please select the required number of events from the list to prove the necessary ECTS credits in this module.

Teaching and learning methods:

Literature (compulsory reading, recommended literature):