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Seminar Quantitative Risk Management


Seminar "Quantitative Risk Management" (Prüfungsnummer 6401)

Veranstaltung für den Master (T Modul)

Start 10/06/15      
  Wednesday 9 - 11 am GD 05 R. Garthoff

Alte SPO:

5 ECTS ---> seminar paper and presentation (G-Modul)

7 ECTS ---> seminar paper, presentation and oral exam (T-Modul)


Neue FSO:

6 ECTS ---> seminar paper, presentation and oral exam (T-Modul)


Registration will be announced in the lecture on 10/06/15.


Oral examination ---> to be announced

Deadline for the seminar paper ---> to be announced

Presentation ---> to be announced


List of topics:

1. Different Approaches to Risk Measurement
     - Loss Distributions

     - Value at Risk

     - Expected Shortfall

2. Regression Analysis

3. Autoregressive Moving-Average Models

4. Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity

5. RiskMetrics

6. CreditMetrics



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