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Founding at Viadrina without limits

with business incubator and CfER

To found a company, one does not need much: Some courage and a good idea – one is as important as the other. Everything else can be learned – founding is no big deal!

Since 2004, the Viadrina supports students, academic staff / alumni when implementing their business ideas. Whether business planning, consulting, networking or financing. For all questions related to business creation, you will find adequate information at business incubator (Gründungszentrum) and our Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (CfER).

The Viadrina Business Incubator offers an EU funded support programme for founders. Interested parties apply for the programme by successfully participating in at least one out of a variety of different workshops. Participants of the programme get free access to a network of experts. These experts offer professional advice, including individual coaching on all levels of the founding process: from brainstorming/ idea generation via concretisation of the business model through to the practical implementation of the attained knowledge and results.

The CfER regards strengthening entrepreneurial spirit at the Viadrina and providing incentives for business initiatives among students, graduates and researchers as its principal duty. Our core task, entrepreneurial teaching and research, is supplemented by guest lectures, workshops and counselling (e.g. EXIST-Gründerstipendium) as well as by networking and cooperation with regional business partners.

Implement your ideas, visions and projects! Take the first step and sign up.