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Oderknirpse visit Viadrina

"Me, me!!"!", "No, please, me", "Me, I know it!!!"

Fingers in the first row eagerly shoot up as Prof. Dr. Stadtmann uncovers the fields of a picture puzzle by and by: each of the pre-school children wants to give the right answer through the microphone. He certainly would like to have such a participation also in his course on Macroeconomics that he usually holds in this lecture room.

However, this morning it is the group of pre-school children from the cooperative day-care center "Oderknirpse" who came to visit Viadrina and curiously engrossed the big lecture room in the Gräfin Dönhoff building. At last, they can themselves explore the university which they can daily see from their day-care center, have a go at the technology in the lecture room and get to know a "real" professor. For the most children it is their first time at the university but for Professor Stadtmann it is already the third year at which he holds a lecture for the pre-school children and judging from the the excitement of the children following his lecture this cooperation will also be continued in the next year.

The family representative thanks, also in the name of the pre-school children, for the successful event!