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Statistics (IBA)
Welcome to class in Statistics in the summer semester 2021!

As you might know, due to safety reasons, there are no classes at Viadrina. COVID-19 is reviving the need to explore online teaching and learning opportunities. It is also challenging our ability to adapt and be responsible.

This semester we will provide our teaching online.  The course is structured in 7 weeks. Each week opens with theoretical videos, which cover the main concepts of Statistics; then, a series of practicum videos follow, and they serve the purpose of showing the typical exercises.

Additionally, we will provide Q&A sessions if necessary. 

You also can get ten extra points for a final exam solving weekly tests that will appear on Moodle.

Lecture videos => Tutorial 1 + Tutorial 2 => optional test

Lectures start: 08.06.2021
Lectures Tuesday

11 - 13 Uhr

Online synchron

Dmytro Ivasiuk

11 - 13 Uhr

Online synchron

Dmytro Ivasiuk
Tutorials start: 09.06.2021
Tutorials Wednesday 09 - 13 Uhr GD Hs6 Szczepan Czernatowicz

 Allowed materials during the exam:

1) not-programming calculator

2) commented formulary

If you need a consultation regarding the theoretical aspects of the course, please contact

If you have any questions concerning tutorials, please write directly on