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Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht (gemäß FSO)

Entrepreneurship: A Management-based Introduction

Exam number: 6076

Semester: from 4th semester (Schwerpunktbildung)

Duration of the module: One semester

Form of the module (i.e. obligatory, elective etc.): Elective

Frequency of module offer: each summer semester

Prerequisites: None. Basic studies should be completed.

Applicability of module for other study programmes:
Obligatory or elective in other study programmes. For further information check regulations of the study programme.

Person responsible for module: Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch

Name of the professor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Koch

Language of teaching: English

ECTS-Credits (based on the workload): 6

Workload and its composition (self-study, contact time):
Contact time (lecture, tutorials, seminar etc.) 60 h; self-study: 120 h

Contact hours (per week in semester): 4

Methods and duration of examination:
Successful completion of a final written exam (120 min)

Emphasis of the grade for the final grade: Please check regulations of the study programme

Aim of the module (expected learning outcomes and competencies to be acquired):
This introductory module aims to provide participants with an understanding of management frameworks, concepts, and models that are relevant for the entrepreneurial process. In doing so, this module helps students develop an entrepreneurial mindset through critical reflection on entrepreneurship and practical exercises of entrepreneurial activities. Overall, the module positions entrepreneurship as an important way of making a living, as well as a "spirit" that permeates all parts of social life. For preparation, please send an email to until April 10 containing your favorite joke.

Contents of the module:
Rather than following conventional approaches, which frame entrepreneurship in opposition to management, this module builds on established and advanced knowledge from management and entrepreneurship theory to reflect on the entrepreneurial process. For this purpose, the module is structured around important frameworks, concepts, and models across different levels of analysis – from the individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial team, the entrepreneurial culture and identity, to the ecosystem in which entrepreneurs are embedded.

Teaching and learning methods:
Seminaristic lecture, tutorials, and individual study for preparation and follow-ups

Special features (e.g. percentage of online-work, practice, guest speaker, etc.):
Visits by practitioners from the regional startup scene.

Literature (compulsory reading, recommended literature):
Relevant journal articles, which will be made available on Moodle.

Further information:
Registration in the first lecture. Personal presence in the first session is required.