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WiSe 2017/2018

Campus_Herbst_2010_IMG_7676 (Foto Heide Fest, Pressestelle) ©Heide Fest

1. Block (09.10.2017  - 26.11.2017)

Competition, Information and Behaviour (BA Profilierung)

(vormals/before: Intermediate Microeconomics)


Tuesday,      16-18, GD 305,  Ingo Geishecker

Wednesday, 11-13, GD 305, Ingo Geishecker


Wednesday, 16-18, GD 305, Susanne Kniepert

Thursday,      16-18,GD 305, Susanne Kniepert

Seminar Trumponomics, BREXIT und Globalisierung (BA Profilierung)

(vormals/before: Globalisation and the European Labour Market)



Participants are required to hand in a list of their first four preferences for a topic in the first seminar session on Monday, 16.10.2017. We allocate the 1st preferences if there is no overlap. In case of overlap we allocate the topic by random draw. A full list of allocated topics will be distributed on Tuesday, 17.10.2017. Each participant with a topic is required to enrol for the course on HIS-Portal by Thursday, 19.10.2017, 23:50. Otherwise the topic will be allocated to other potential participants.


Attention, new Date!

Monday,            18.00-19.30, HG  162, Benjamin Gampfer/ Ingo Geishecker

Block seminar, 18.01./19.01.2018, HG 104, Benjamin Gampfer/ Ingo Geishecker

Exam: 27.11. 2017 -  01.12.2017

2. Block (04.12.2017 - 26.01.2018)

Mathematics (BA Orientierung)


Monday, 14-16, HS 3, Ingo Geishecker

Tuesday, 14-16, HS 3, Ingo Geishecker


Friday, 09-11, HS 8, Wadim Djatschenko

Friday, 11-13, HS 8, Waddim Djatschenko

Labour Economics: A European Perspective (BA Profilierung)

(vormals/before: Labour Economics: A European Perspective)


Monday,   16-18, GD 309, Ingo Geishecker

Tuesday, 16-18, GD 309, Ingo Geishecker


Wednesday, 16-17.30, GD 309, Bengamin Gampfer

Thursday,     16-17,30, GD 309, Benjamin Gampfer

Exam: 29.01.2018 -  02.02.2018

Das komplette Modulangebot im WiSe 2017/18 finden Sie hier!