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19.-19. Dec. 2007
Jour fixe des SFB 649 für Teilprojektleiter, Berlin, Germany
Talk: Copulae in Finance
07.-08. Dec. 2007
Workshop on ''Copulae: Theory and Practice'', Berlin, Germany
Coorganized with Prof. Härdle
Talk: HAC: Theory and Applications
29.-31. May. 2007
Radon Workshop on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics for Young Researchers, Linz, Austria
09.-09. May. 2007
WIAS Research Seminar Mathematical Statistics
Seminar organized by Prof. W. Härdle and Prof. V. Spokoiny
Talk: Determining the Structure and Estimation of the Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae
27.-30. Mar. 2007
DAGStat-Tagung: Statistik unter einem Dach, Bielefeld
Talk: Determining the structure and estimation of the hierarchical Archimedean copulas
19.-20. Sep. 2005
7th international workshop for young mathematicians: Applied Mathematics, Cracow, Polen
Talk: Portfolio selection based on the internal yield requirement
21.-23. May. 2005
4th All-ukrainian scientific conference for graduate and postgraduate ''Theoretical and applied aspects of the analysis of the financial systems'', Lwiw, Ukraine
23.-24. Apr. 2004
Economics in the postcommunist countries under globalization, Lwiw, Ukraine
Talk: Model of effectiveness of interbank operations
22.-23. Apr. 2004
7th All-ukrainian students scientific conference in programming and applied mathematics
Talk: Renewal theory and stock returns under uncountable number of economic states
19.-21. Apr. 2004
3rd All-ukrainian scientific conference for graduate and postgraduate, Lwiw, Ukraine
Talk: Comparison and estimation of the three types of continuous rates of stock return
20.-23. Mar. 2004
Problems and perspectives of the ukrainian's finance-credit system, Lwiw, Ukraine
Talk: Effectiveness of interbank operations