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15.-16. Dec. 2006
(EC)² Conference on the Econometrics of Monetary Policy and Financial Decision Making, Rotterdam, Niederlande
Talk: Flexible Shrinkage in Portfolio Selection
28.-29. Nov. 2006
Workshop on Financial Surveillance, Göteborg, Schweden
Talk: Surveillance of GARCH processes
18.-21. Sep. 2006
Statistische Woche in Dresden
Talk: Estimation of optimal portfolio weights
14.-17. Mar. 2006
German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics, Frankfurt (Main)
Talk:  Optimal portfolio weights under returns predictability
02.-04. Sep. 2005
International Conference on Finance, Finance Research Unit, Copenhagen
Keynote speakers: T. Andersen, T. Bollerslev, R. Engle, M. O'Hara
Talk:  Multivariate shrinkage for optimal portfolio weights
24.-27. Aug. 2005
European Economic Association, 20th Annual Congress, EEA Amsterdam
Talk: Optimal portfolio weights under returns predictability
02.-02. Apr. 2004
Econometrics of Stock Markets, Paris
Conference of the Applied Econometrics Association
Talk:  Distributional properties of portfolio weights
23.-26. Mar. 2004
German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics, Karlsruhe
Talk: Distributional properties of portfolio weights
21.-23. Aug. 2003
Statistische Woche in Potsdam
Talk:  Distributional properties of optimal portfolio weights
19.-22. Mar. 2002
German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics, Magdeburg
Talk:  Tail Behaviour of a General Family of Control Charts
24.-29. Sep. 2001
Statistische Woche in Nürnberg
Talk: Some Properties of a Generalized Family of Control Charts
06.-08. Jul. 2001
Pfingsttagung 2001, Magdeburg
14.-16. Jun. 2001
Pfingsttagung, Frankfurt (Oder)